We invite you to join us for the Scottish Exoplanet / Brown Dwarf Spring meeting 2016 which will be held in the MUSA Learning Loft at the University of St Andrews.
Date: 25 April 2016, meeting start 10:30h, end 17:00h
Doors open 10:00h and coffee + energisers will be served. MUSA offers a guided tour through the museum at 16:30h (spaces limitted).
The format of the Scottish Exoplanet / Brown Dwarf Spring meeting 2015 in St Andrews:
-- summaries of space and ground-based mission involvement:
CHEOPS -- A.C. Cameron
ALMA -- P. Woitke
MIRI/JWST -- A.Glasse
LSST -- A. Scholz
-- ample time for discussion (lead by SEBD postdocs)
There will be no registration fee. Coffe breaks & lunch will be provided.
This is the third meeting in a series of bi-annual, informal meetings that will alternate between the University of St Andrews and the University of Edinburgh.
Previous meetings: SEBD1 & SEBD2.
This meeting is sponsered by SUPA and the RAS.